Whats up with all the f#$%@&* baseball on the Common? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Whats up with all the f#$%@&* baseball on the Common?

Posted on Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 4:00 AM

Every night I go to the Common hoping to just lay on the grass or perhaps even enjoy a soccer ball or a frisbee or something. Except every single night some softball league takes over the ENTIRE Common. You can’t find a place to relax; you can’t even walk through the Common. I see kids almost being hit with balls and this happens every god damn night from six to eight (the only time when people who finish work can go to a park). This is a public park and yet every night it is filled with an organized group where someone is making money. Please for the love of god turn the Common common again and ease up on the baseball. Last time i walked through I accidentally skirted the edge of a baseball game and got boo'ed. What kind of public park is this?!?!? —Park Lover

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