Doggy douche bags | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Doggy douche bags

Posted on Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 4:00 AM

Hey dog owners: when asked to keep control of your off-leash dog in public spaces like parks and beaches, maybe instead of responding with “he is friendly/just curious/only saying hello,” you could consider that some people aren't comfortable around dogs. Just as you likely wouldn't be comfortable with my tarantula crawling toward you on a park bench, despite it being completely harmless. The animal's behavior/nature is irrelevant. It's not up to you to get over your discomfort of large hairy spiders to accommodate me. It's up to me (and dog owners) to think of others and control our animals. —I Like Your Dog, Just Not in My Crotch

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