Dump The Trump! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Dump The Trump!

Posted on Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 4:00 AM

How dumb are our neighbors to the south? By the looks of what I see on the news there are a lot of mice and rats willing to jump off a cliff for this Pied Piper spinning his web of nuclear war, spewing his hot lava of hate and fear. Women who have abortions are subject to criminal records. No mention of the sperm donor or his part to play in this insanity. What about women who are sexually assaulted and end up pregnant? How about putting chastity belts on every girl over the age of ??? and woman in his country. How about reversing all the good that has been done over the years to abolish racism and discrimination toward all sorts of peoples? He seems to be the mind of those who seen to not be able to speak or think for themselves because it is probably too much work for their small empty brains. He may be great a money maker but is definitely not a politician. He is world war three waiting to happen. He is a joke and anyone who supports him is a joke as well. They are people devoid of common sense and are billies. Trump usually opens one of his mouths only to change feet. He's running out of feet. God help us if there are enough idiots in the U.S. who vote for him and he actually wins the presidency. —Trump's Mother

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