Why do they call it a library???? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, April 4, 2016

Why do they call it a library????

Posted on Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 12:00 PM

The Central Library isn't really a library. The noisy, stinky food smells reminds me of a greasy spoon. I need to concentrate when I'm at the 'library', and the loud crunching of salads doesn't help. Coffee is fine, but there is just too much food. What would happen if the library locked down the computers and nobody could play video games, or spend the day watching Youtube videos. We, the taxpayers, put $60 million into that drop in center. Why didn't they just make the old library into a hang out? And the empty middle of the building!!! I can hear kids screaming on the first floor. It's a drop in center. It may be a world class design, but the world can use it as an example of how not to build a library..... —Reading is not dead

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