I like my flavoured cigars! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Saturday, May 9, 2015

I like my flavoured cigars!

Posted on Sat, May 9, 2015 at 4:00 AM

So no more flavoured tobacco products as of May 31st in Nova Scotia. Laaaaammmmeee sauce. I get that you're trying to keep kids from picking up smoking but I don't think this will help much. These same products exist in other places with lower rates of smoking. The reason we have a lot of youth who smoke, drink and use drugs here are social, we need to invest in more ways to keep them engaged, and all this will do is take tax revenues away from the province. Also many business owners report that the province is not giving them enough time to sell off what they have left, leaving them on the short end of the stick through no fault of their own. Also, you know, I'm an adult. If I want to smoke a primetime or a menthol (not that I ever would, yuck) or a backwood I should be allowed. They're even banning flavoured rolling papers! No one seems to have a problem with NSLC selling banana split flavoured vodka, and those products are displayed in plain sight, in front of children, unlike tobacco products. Yet another band-aid solution that refuses to address the root cause , not to mention costing the province money it can't afford to lose. And for the record I'm fairly certain that every person I know who started smoking as a teen, and I know a lot, started with plain old cigarettes, and I don't know anyone under the age of 70 that smokes menthols or doesn't find them disgusting. It wasn't until they were older and tried to get off the smokes that they switched to cigarellos and such. —Guess I'll have to stock up

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