How can you do this to her? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, February 22, 2015

How can you do this to her?

Posted on Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 4:00 AM

She is the kindest, most gentlest person I know, she loves ALL things and sees that ALL life has value even in the bad people. She'd never hurt a fly but people treat her like shit anyway. She's funny, smart, beautiful, and she has endured so much and has come so far and people still treat her like shit. A man did a very bad thing to her when she was very young and when she brought it up years later not many believed her and those that did told her she ruined everything. She never forgives and she never forgets and on countless times I've had to save her from myself but I'm no saint either, I've done bad things but I'm trying to do right by her, to be there by her side 100 percent whenever she needs me. She seems to have the worst luck in the world because if something can go wrong for her it will and because the way she is even a small thing becomes blown out of proportion. So why do you hate her? You know what her problems are and yet whenever she comes to you for advice you talk down at her and make her hate herself even more, she deserves your loves, she is one of the most hardest working women I've ever had the pleasure of knowing and she doesn't deserve ANY of the hate you have towards her. She's never done anything wrong to anyone, she doesn't start rumors, she doesn't talk about anyone behind their backs, and she's never wanted anyone dead and yet people still treat her like shit. Stop treating her like she doesn't know how to do her job because she does, oh does she ever, probably more than you. I know I don't deserve her but I'm damn lucky to have such a amazing woman like her and I'm going to make damned sure that if anything happens to her, people will know her story. She deserves your love, not your hate. —All she needs is love.

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