e-cigarette mis-step | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

e-cigarette mis-step

Posted on Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 4:00 AM

I quit smoking a year and a half ago with my e-cigarette, and I'm not going to stand for the provinces position on e-cigarettes, and the banning of flavored e-liquids. Science doesn't support Nova Scotia's contention that e-cigarettes are tobacco products. Numerous reputable studies have concluded, again (http://publichealth.drexel.edu/~/media/files/publichealth/ms08.pdf) and again (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23033998), that e-cigarettes propel no harmful vapors to others, and very little to the user - especially when compared to environmental toxins like auto exhaust, or cigarette smoke. Vapor is not smoke. Competent health boards around the world realize regulating e-cigarettes as tobacco products is a big mistake. Literally millions of lives could be saved through the use of these devices. Nicotine by itself, without the chemicals included in cigarettes, is relatively harmless. It is addictive yes - and so is caffeine. When can we expect the province's ban on flavored caffeine products? When will the province ban flavored alcohol? When will the province ban flavored nicotine gum? Wouldn't want to anger the pharmaceutical companies. Reasonable people will accept a tax, and no one wants children to be using e-cigarettes. The unconscionable side of the legislation is in relation to flavorings. It is clear that Dr. Strang knows little about e-cigarettes and cares little about the health of the population. He does exert a great influence to government as chief pharmaceutical industry stooge, however. This bill 60 is a perversion of health policy, and the Liberals should be ashamed they take the financial health of nicotine gum manufacturers above the health of their citizens. I'm not back to cigarettes and your actions are a fucking outrage! —Michael Murphy

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