To the young heartless woman | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, August 28, 2014

To the young heartless woman

Posted on Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 2:00 PM

On Friday night, you walked by my friends and I as we tended to my very sick friend, in my arms, clearly in peril. You, leader of the pack, remarked “fun stuff” and laughed at all of our expenses with your equally despondent and insensitive friends. It was absolutely cruel, and as I balanced my friend on my knees trying to keep them out of danger, I responded with “I hope you never have to deal with something like this. That you have a beautiful life free of this kind of pain for you and your loved ones.” That situation was Hell on Earth. It was terrifying. It is burned into my eyelids every time I close them, but what I will remember most for the rest of my life is your lack of human decency. How do you walk by laughing at another human being's misfortune? I want you to read this, recognize yourself, and learn how to respect and think of others. You haunt me and you disgust me. —You said “you loved me” as a retort, but I am almost convinced you're incapable of that

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