Off leash parks are great.....maybe try one | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Off leash parks are great.....maybe try one

Posted on Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 3:00 PM

My dog is a rescue with a horrible past and because of that, she hates other dogs. We are aware of that, that is why she is walked on-leash through on-leash parks. Your off-leash dog in said on-leash park charged at us. Had your dog been on a leash, I would have gone out of my way to avoid you because my dog is a known asshole but again your dog charged us. If I hadn't of dropped the leash, my dog would have have felt trapped and most likely would have bitten your dog or accidentally bitten me because that is what trapped/scared dogs do. You're lucky your dog just got a scare. I suggest, that either you teach your dog not to charge other strange dogs or that you walk the extra five minutes and bring your dog to the beautiful off-leash dog park that is full of well-socialized dogs that I would love to be able to walk my dog in but can't because even though she is an amazing, cuddly, loving dog, who I trust more than anything, she turns into an asshole when she is around other dogs. — ruined my walk too

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