And Then There Was Light | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

And Then There Was Light

Posted on Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 4:00 AM

Up until a few nights ago my backyard was dark enough that I could see the stars on a clear night, one of my favorite things to do. And then all of a sudden two nights ago I'm standing in my kitchen looking out the back window and realize there is a spotlight on me. It's so bright that it lights up any room in the house facing the backyard, and the stars have faded out. My yard is mostly woods in the back, however there is a street beyond that, and someone it seems has gotten a new light for their back patio, which they have not turned off for days. All well and good, but could you please take note of where that light is being directed. I would be so grateful if you could replace the bulb with a softer light or change the angle so that it's pointing down and not directly into my home. —Missing The Stars

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