Depraved Hillbillys | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, August 8, 2014

Depraved Hillbillys

Posted on Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 10:21 AM

We just moved here from Vancouver 2 years ago. What is it with the men in Nova Scotia. All of these red necks in half ton pick ups everywhere who can’t wait for hunting season. Gross! We’ve lived all over Canada and parts of the USA and have never seen anything like this. Some of the headlines we’ve seen over the past two years include kitten left to die in zipped-up backpack, dog found frozen to death in North Preston, man grabs cat by the hind legs and smashes it on the pavement, 2 boys bash in the heads of 15 baby seals for fun, man swings cat by the neck, man angry at girlfriend beats her cat to death, man has sex with cat, man runs over couples dog for revenge, couple burns a cross on front lawn and now this. A man actually tortured a 5 month old helpless, unsuspecting, innocent puppy? What a bunch of depraved, uneducated, disgusting hillbilly’s! I hope someone breaks your legs and sticks a jug over your head you disgusting derilict, vile pig. “Me, Big Man! er, er! I can kill a kitten! er, er! I can torture a puppy! er! er! Digusting Hillbilly Pig. —Sarah

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