To the idiot who left a nasty note on my car at Citadel Hill | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, July 10, 2014

To the idiot who left a nasty note on my car at Citadel Hill

Posted on Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 12:37 PM

Thank you for validating the fact that I had just pulled off the most awesome parallel park job of my life. I parked in front of you Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. and left less than six inches between your car and mine. There was even less room between me and the car in front. If I'd had time I'd have taken a picture. So when I saw the note on my windshield two hours later I expected a testimonial to my fabulous abilities, not "thanks for leaving me no room, you cunt! Check your tailpipe!" Fortunately you did no damage to my tailpipe but you did reveal your driving incompetence and your egocentric point of view. Neither I nor the driver behind you had much space to deal with. We didn't jam you in there to make your life difficult. You're not that important. You're just a self-absorbed incompetent with lots of note paper and a pen. —Parallel parking prodigy

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