Working Hard to Not Work at All | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Working Hard to Not Work at All

Posted on Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 2:03 PM

You know what, fuck you. Fuck you! Ohhh, you have work that needs to get done, congra-fucking-lations to YOU!! You must be the only person ever on earth who has ever had work that needed to get done. What a rare and wonderful breed you are.

This may surprise you, so sit down, but the rest of us have work to do too. The fact that you seem to think you have the right to dictate to the rest of us that we have to drop what we're doing to get your work done, doesn't matter one little bit to me. I have a boss, it's not you, so go the fuck away. Don't come to my desk, wave your hands and rant in my face because I can't come and help you show someone else how to do your work. And ha ha ha, fuck you again, but going to another co-worker and trying to have them come to me and try to have me leave my stuff to go show this other person how to do your work, didn't work either.

Don't promise me and or my time to someone else, when you are more than capable of showing someone how to do your work, better still, just fucking do your work yourself. The time you've just wasted with all this bullshit could have been spent, oh, I don't know...working? Hey, you may not realize it, but other people have other work to do and we're not just diddling around waiting to help you out.

Calm the fuck down and just do what you're supposed to do and leave the division of work alone. -Not YOUR Worker Bee

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