I'm Glad My Cat Bit You, He Obviously Has Better Judgment Than I Do | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, April 3, 2014

I'm Glad My Cat Bit You, He Obviously Has Better Judgment Than I Do

Posted on Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 4:28 PM

You were my best friend. I loved you more than I loved myself, and gave so much of my being to you. When you were kicked out on the street, I took you in to live with me for free. When you were broke and hungry, I fed you and gave you money. When you sat on my porch sobbing, I held you and rocked you like a baby. What did I get in return? A knife in the back. You dropped me like a hot potato because I apparently "rubbed you the wrong way" on one occasion. I did NOTHING to deserve it, and I think you know it. Even now, months later, I can't believe our entire friendship was a farce. Despite all the awful things you did, I still saw only the best in you. I stood by you through everything; you once said you'd be lost without me. Now you act as though I don't exist. I've come to the conclusion that with or without me, you are definitely a lost cause. You use your bad childhood as an excuse for why you make awful choices all the time. You constantly moan about how you father abandoned you, yet you have no problem chumming with someone who abandoned her own child (which you see nothing wrong with). I want you to know how profoundly you've hurt me. I know you won't care, but I want you to know anyway. I also want you to know that if I found you dying of thirst in the desert...I'd still give you water, because that's who I am. That's the type of person you threw away. Good luck being you, you'll need it. -No More Miss Nice Girl

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