Don't you dare bitch about being single anymore! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, February 14, 2014

Don't you dare bitch about being single anymore!

Posted on Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 6:47 AM

You found him. Yes, you found this really sweet guy who was a way better match for you than any of the other men you have ever dated. It took a little longer for you to find the right person than it takes many others (you're 34), but you found a man who was PERFECT for you. I met him. He treated you like gold. I remember watching one time as he picked you up to take you out to dinner, he greeted you with flowers and opened the car door for you--a total gentleman. He was financially stable, he wanted kids just like you do, he had a chocolate lab (your favorite breed of dog, ffs!), he wanted to travel to the same destinations you always have, you had the same political and religious views. God, you two had so much in common. threw it all away. And why? Because you didn't fancy his looks! "I don't find him very physically attractive" you told me, word for word. You ended it with him after seeing him for a month. I've been your friend for over 10 years so I have seen the shit guys have put you through, cheating on you, giving you the run around, just being total douchebags. And just last year, after a few too many drinks, you broke down into tears, saying all of the good men are married and you're going to die alone! Well, you know what? Now I believe you will! You finally meet this wonderful man but you rejected him because of something as superficial as looks! Yes, there has to be an attraction but it doesn't have to be physical. My husband is not what I'd go for in the looks department, but I became sexually attracted to him because of his character! It could have been the same for you if you had given this guy more time. But no, keep doing what you've been doing, choosing good-looking guys who treat you like shit. I just don't want to hear about it when you're single again after breaking up with yet another asshole. I think there's a soulmate for everyone, and I can guarantee you Mr. Chocolate Lab Sweetheart was yours!!! Gahhh! —At my wits end with this friend

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