governors Lake | Love the Way We Bitch

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Saturday, August 17, 2013

governors Lake

Posted on Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 12:28 PM

Dear Lake,

I know you need fresh water and sunlight to live. I know the hikers, bikers, joggers and people and fish who live here used to cherish you. We see that you are an ugly hideous brown and the people and the fish are so unhappy to see you like this...your protectors won't test to see if you are sick and the people who own the property at the top of the hill have their yellow retainer in the lake to keep "dirty" water out but every time it rains the dirty water roars in...I am sorry we the lake lovers cannot help you to live a clean fulfilling life. Maybe when the hill owners get their 9 million dollars sewage pipe you might begin to live again. —sad friends of Governors lake

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