gay men of colour, give up your guys | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, August 12, 2013

gay men of colour, give up your guys

Posted on Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 4:00 PM

Filtering by one's preferences, sperm banks have far less options for progressive-minded people than one would expect, fewer options even than for the narrower minded types. The way I see it: mixed babies are generally cuter than either of their parents - lets face it right? Also with global warming and the destruction of the ozone pigment is simply good, and you're less likely to increase the recessive pool that goes along with plucking from similar founder populations (seems like every other donor is Irish - so am I, is that my long lost cousin's sperm? I'd rather not find out the hard way). I also figure, lots of lesbian couples AND gay men with baby-mommas would LOVE a gay man's sperm (like dissolves like, they'd all be Vogueing in the uterus for 9 months: AWESOME – ok, not such a scientific theory). Perhaps a gay man less interested in kids would like the idea that their swimmers were going to: more likely a financially stable home (by virtue of assisted reproduction - unfair but a fact), increased chances of being a gay couple - therefore forced into self advocacy and a strong sense of self, therefore, increased chances of being a progressive thinker. Being out on ones profile would possibly keep the sperm out of Georgia and the Babptist church etc…they can keep the recessive traits. So with all those advantages, wouldn't that be a neat kid knocking on your door at 18 years old (if you checked that box: “identity disclosure”, you don't have to). I'm a straight girl from a queer family and thought about the donor route. Things have changed since but I now want to recruit some rainbow in every sense of the word, any bank would give you the info…it's more fun than donating blood ;-)


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