BANG*SMASH*Crazy Driving in the Neighbourhood*** | Love the Way We Bitch

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Saturday, June 29, 2013

BANG*SMASH*Crazy Driving in the Neighbourhood***

Posted on Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 9:11 AM

This week the old Hondas have been whizzing past our house. Mr Insertafunnyusernamehere stood in the middle of the road and stopped one guy to ask him what the hell and could he please slow down. The guy was cool and got out of his car and said he'd dropped $1000 on the car and it was just the sound not the noise. This was shite but he was polite and we kinda let it go. TODAY.....another kid in an equally crappy car speeding by like 4 times. We got a bit paranoid and said d'you think he's the other guy's buddy? Well, off to the store a couple of hours ago and the car's in a ditch with cops x2, ambulance and fire crew. Feel sick as hell at the thought of the guy/ girl driving being hurt and want every kid to know to slow the fuck down. Need to watch 21grams or something to realize life changes if you kill a kid playing on a street or end up in a ditch upside down. —insertafunnyusernamehere

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