Old bitty bad driver | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Old bitty bad driver

Posted on Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 6:58 AM

I know you won't read this but anyway ... I'm all in favour of seniors continuing to drive as long as they can but not once they become a menace. I and the others waited for the walk signal at the corner of Spring G. and South Park. We then took three steps into the crosswalk when I spotted you tearing into the intersection at a ridiculous speed trying to make a left turn off SP to go down SG. Not only are you a bad driver for driving so wrecklessly fast with so many pedestrians around but you're also and idiot because when you slammed to a stop just in front of me and the other pedestrians you started waving frantically for us to get out of your way. You left us all shaking our heads. Hang up the keys granny before you kill someone!!!!. —Just trying to walk home safely.

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