To those who wish I'd gain weight... | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, April 26, 2013

To those who wish I'd gain weight...

Posted on Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 10:26 AM

I am NATURALLY skinny and bony. That's just the way my body looks. If you paid attention, you'd know that I eat A LOT. If someone offers me chocolate, or a cookie, or a random plate of spaghetti, I will take it. I adore food. So why do people assume I'm not eating enough because of my body shape? I don't see someone who's chubby and say, "You need to lose weight" so why would you think it's acceptable to tell me I need to gain weight? There is not just one body shape that is THE healthy body shape. We come in all shapes and sizes. Also, telling me I'm skinny is like saying to someone with a mole on their face, "You have a mole on your face." I KNOW. —I Love Me Some Doughnuts

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