You don't own the street | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

You don't own the street

Posted on Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 8:59 AM

To the car who started driving through the intersection while I was in the middle of the street and then instead of stopping to let me finish crossing, swerved around me to continue ripping down the street, fuck you. Surely to God, wherever you were going is not so important that you cannot wait at a stop sign until I finished crossing the street. It's not like I walked out without looking and you were driving through. No, I was walking through and you just didn't even acknowledge me. I had the right of way, you fuck. It's entitled asshole drivers like you who make the roads unsafe. Yeah, some pedestrians are entitled assholes too, but for fuck's sake, STOP when you are at a stop sign. I hope you saw the finger I flipped you. —Inconvenient Pedestrian, Apparently

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