Ungrateful bums, literally | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ungrateful bums, literally

Posted on Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 10:19 AM

You were bumming change off of us waiting for the last bus home, unfortunately now a days people only carry cards, and each one of us said that. I was nice enough to give you and your friend a smoke each and when I said I was sorry I had no money I only kept cards you asked me to go to the bank. I chuckled and said "Sorry, I'll miss my bus" and you responded with "Well you have 5 minutes" "My banks a ten minute walk, each way" "Well there's a CIBC right there" "And they'll charge me to take money out, the smallest I can get is a 20 and I'm not giving you a 20." You then sarcastically said thanks anyway then asked me one more time "You sure you can't help us get food lady" I said no, apologized again, and you stormed off without so much as a real thanks for those smokes I gave you that I didn't have too. Ungrateful fucking people, I swear I'll never give someone who seems to be having a rough time anything again because they don't appreciate it. — I Should Have Ignored You Like The Rest Of The Crowd

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