Buzz Killjoy Lightbeer | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Buzz Killjoy Lightbeer

Posted on Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 11:56 AM

Why do people keep insisting that weed (pot) is not addictive? Why is it that the government discourages the smoking of cigarettes with all types of advertisments- scarey pictures, etc...hiding the product from the consumer...? Why is it the government seems to be okay with legalizing the other smokable (420)? Smoke is smoke...and anything that you inhale into your lungs that is burning may just be bad for you. Now I know that there are heads out there that insist that it's all natural (God's own shit), etc....but that is just bullshit. Keep pot illegal and f*ck the pot heads. —420 Madness

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