Fuck your overprotective, liability-driven stupidity | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, February 8, 2013

Fuck your overprotective, liability-driven stupidity

Posted on Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:37 AM

It was windy yesterday; Big fucking deal! Why does some wind close down the pedestrian walkway on the bridge? There's a fucking 10 foot tall guard rail that's going keep anyone from getting blown off. What ludicrous scenario was foreseen that would make someone think that some wind would make one of the most fundamentally easy tasks that we do too dangerous to attempt? I get the bike lane being closed; when you're doing 40 km and a gust of wind smashes you into the railing you're in for a shitty day, but I'm not cycling, I'm trying to fucking walk somewhere. — Never Been Stuck In A Traffic Jam With My Black Cadillacs

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