The damage you can do | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The damage you can do

Posted on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 2:37 PM

It takes a lot of energy to fight off depression (both physical and emotional), a lot more than people think. If you're sad, people call you a 'Negative Nancy' or 'Debbie Downer'. If you strain happiness to fit in people think you're fake, or you come off as trying too hard. There's no happy medium. Sometimes you just have to welcome the comforting warm embrace of manic depression. I don't believe anyone besides those who suffer understand that there is a peace and comfort to be found in depression. Please be understanding, and don't judge those who are dealing with their personal issues. Sometimes there isn't even a reason for it, just an unstoppable force of depression rolling over you, and I feel that's what people understand the least. Someone who smiles everyday, is healthy, wealthy and wise may just be hiding their inner turmoil. And that don't help nobody. —Whistling Into The Night

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