To the selfish cyclist | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

To the selfish cyclist

Posted on Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 2:21 PM

I watched a cyclist zoom through a red light on Spring Garden Road during suppertime traffic. To that person: Not only did you ignore a stop light, the rules of the road that everyone else has to follow in order not to hurt others or get hurt, you barely weaved through a group of four pedestrians trying to cross the street. You may have known that you weren't going to hit them but they certainly didn't! You cyclists bitch all of the time about how you don't get enough respect on the road from fellow drivers sharing the road with you, then you go and pull stunts like that, completely ignoring the rules, acting like the road is all yours. Respect is something you earn, you get what you give and you my friend give all other cyclists, who respect the road, a bad name. Next time, stop, and think about more than just yourself. —Angry Observer

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