If only I was there five minutes before shit hit the fan | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

If only I was there five minutes before shit hit the fan

Posted on Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 3:19 PM

On my daily stroll past Spring Garden where people are rife with indifference to one another—no doubt a byproduct of their blissful consumerism—I notice what was probably five police cars. When I stopped and asked what was going on I was told that a young woman who was a lesbian just got the shit kicked out of her. Now I don’t feel pity for a woman who had the audacity to live her life as a free adult whose biggest crime that night was loving the people who most bring joy and warmth into her heart. No, I feel pity for the sheep flock that stood by and let those wolves tear at her. We as human beings have the ability and choice to recognize and implement consent-based morality to be our own person while allowing others to be theirs. As for the ignorant thug individuals blessed with the brain of a baked potato that is haphazardly plugged into a body of protoplasm and shit... thanks for proving to the fundamentalist preachers up the street that evolution doesn’t exist. —Mukwa

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