You have the 10th most powerful army in the world—they have nothing | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

You have the 10th most powerful army in the world—they have nothing

Posted on Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 3:12 PM

OK, this Is not a racist rant. I just want to know why a certain nation with the 10th most powerful military in the world (plus nukes) can blockade and bomb the fuck out of a group of people that really have little more than stones and spears to fight with. This certain nation lives pretty good while the other nation (which is not a nation) lives in squalid conditions. Collateral damage matters little...because those other people aren't wanted. You have a right to exist, but so do they. Let them live and give them a nation. Maybe they will stop their spears. —A Canadian

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