Friends without benefits | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, November 16, 2012

Friends without benefits

Posted on Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 4:08 PM

Being friends after the awkward moments of politely rejecting you was harder for you, I know, but we talked it through and got past it. Being friends during a time when we both wanted more was the best decision we have made so far. being friends after I finally admitted (after many confusing months) that I had feelings for you and being rejected has been absolutely torturous. I professed my regret along with my adoration, and now it's your turn; you're an idiot for not recognizing someone who loves you for who you are and would take good care of you. I'M an idiot for just NOW realizing I've just been an ego boost for months. I hope it's been fun for you—it hasn't for me. —Deserving of Better Things

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