Oh please sir, could you let me in? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Oh please sir, could you let me in?

Posted on Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 3:21 PM

So Friday night I got off work around 9, walked up to Gottingen Street to get a stamp for a certain show before the line got too long. So with wristband on that I had purchased for this certain festival, dead sober, no line-up, I did not think this was going to be a problem. I handed my ID to the one of the bouncers and she says "Ummm I'm pretty sure I've seen this ID already tonight and this doesn't look like you." Perhaps because I was there last night and YOU let me in? No? So she hands my ID to the other bouncer. Nope, he says, doesn't look like me. My photo looks pretty different as I have a different hair colour/style/and my skin is slightly darker because, well, I was 17 then. However, I still have the same face (duh) and have every piece of ID in my wallet that I could possibly have—SIN card, student ID, paystubs, health card, visa, insurance card...I even had some mail in my bag. My cell phone has my name in it. I explain that I had just gotten off work from a restaurant and I have some food to show for it. After I say that my cell phone would have proof of my identity he says "Wait—do you have any pictures of yourself on there?" Laughing at how ridiculous this is I take out my phone and show him some pictures only for him to say "Nope...this just doesn't look like the same person." After THREE times of them saying sorry and turning me away, then asking me to cover up half my face while saying "the eyes are the same! but..." questioning me, telling me that I AM NOT ME, and half an hour of my time, the male bouncer finally decides to "swallow his pride" and let me in. Oh thank you sir! Also big thanks to the first bouncer adding the comment that she was almost positive she saw my picture earlier. Obviously you're not positive enough my dear because a) you're wrong and b) you thought I was me last night. Don't waste my time with your little game of trying to figure out if I am lying to you! Take your power trips out on some drunk stumbling idiot but not on some innocent gal that just wants to go see a show. YES guys, you caught me, this was my elaborate plan to get into a show at 9:30 and pull the wool over your eyes. —Don't Quit Your Day Job

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