I'd much rather stay single | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I'd much rather stay single

Posted on Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 12:11 PM

Man, the single women in this town are FUCKED UP. I have yet to meet one who's neither an airhead, a psycho bitch, money grubbing, pretentious, nor 30-50 pounds overweight. A prime case of proof that quality singles are scarce happened to me this weekend. I went out with about seven friends and their girlfriends to a pub and to play pool. One of my buddy's girlfriends had a friend she wanted me to meet. I was all for it. Unfortunately, I wasn't attracted to this girl. So I kept my distance. But I couldn't get away from her! She kept coming up to me, asking me about myself. When I just briefly answered her and didn't ask about her, she still wouldn't get it. I continuously looked away from her and kept talking to everyone else. Along with the denseness, she started drinking like a mad woman, having drink after drink after drink. Then making a fool of herself, she got up and started ungracefully dancing all by herself. She must have asked for my number three times. And as a grand finale, when I finally got fed up and told her I wasn't interested and she did nothing for me, she freaks. In drunken slurs, she shouts out "You think you're too good for me?! Oh yeah right! Why are you single then! Oh, Get the fuck over yourself, asshole!", then she dumped her beer all over me! Are you fucking kidding me?! Yeah, I DID think I was too good for her. Why are all the great women already married? —A Guy Who Can Do Better

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