Stupid douche in the blue and white Neon | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Stupid douche in the blue and white Neon

Posted on Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 3:02 PM

To the idiot driving the blue and white four door Neon with the fart cannon who almost ran me off Portland Street on Sunday. Are you really that unaware of your surroundings? I was driving behind you and changed lanes behind you and you still didn't notice me? Just because the left lane came to a stop for the people who were turning left doesn't mean you can change lanes when you see fit. You would have wrote off your $500 dollar car if you hit me. Just because you spent more than the total value of your car on a stereo and exhaust doesn't mean it's a race car or you have more rights than the rest of us. Tame it down, and stop being a douche. Your lesson for today is, when you change lanes do a shoulder check. Jack ass. —The Guy You Almost Hit

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