Boy-crazy bestie is bonkers | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Boy-crazy bestie is bonkers

Posted on Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 10:14 AM

Dear best friend, we're both single and we have each other's backs... I want to always be there for you, but for the love of god please stop obsessing over your men or lack-thereof. Surely there are other important things in life to discuss---music, politics, art, hobbies, books---ANYTHING! I cannot sit for hours on these long, drawn out phone diatribes listening to the details of the latest hookup. Why hasn't he called, where it went wrong...yadda yadda. It's boring and I'm past that stage in my life. And you never take my advice. You always sleep with them too soon, repeat the same mistakes and they end up disrespecting or dumping you. Then I end up cleaning up the aftermath (listening to you bitch about it for hours, days even) giving my obligatory "he's an assole, forget him" until it happens again and the pattern repeats itself. Frankly, I'm getting really tired of it. I'm not interested in dating right now myself and I sure as hell am not interested in other people's dating lives. No offence, I love you so I wouldn't mind having to hear a short tale now and then, but it seems that's ALL you ever have to say. If you're wondering why you keep getting my voice mail lately, it's because you're too consumed with men and nothing else. I don't have time to listen to these dreamy fantasies followed by heartache and rejection---these stories never change, only the names. You need to stop being so boy-crazy and focus more on getting a zest for life---your own, not some dude's. —Get a Hobby

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