Please make it stop | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, August 31, 2012

Please make it stop

Posted on Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 1:20 PM

Dear Deity,
Please make the killing stop---on the streets, in people's homes, in Syria and everywhere else... Please stop the raping of our planet, abuse of all kinds, bullying and people just hurting people for the fun of it. Please stop people from hurting animals and innocents...the elderly, children, the disabled, the poor... Please stop people from hating and hurting others because of their sexuality, their beliefs (or non-belief), the colour of their skin and the creed of their kin. Please stop greed and let all be equal. I know you may or may not exist...if you do, please intervene. WE NEED HELP. —Prayin' to the Aliens

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