Carpet cleaner trouble | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Carpet cleaner trouble

Posted on Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 1:09 PM

I'm not used to dealing with service people so when I called you to come clean the carpet I didn't really know what to expect. Your company doesn't seem well known but you have a very competitive price so I thought I would try it out. After you moseyed in half an hour late without an apology, didn't move any furniture around and complained about cat hair, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you did the best you could under the circumstances but really. All I have is a bed and a couch is it really that hard to move? I had the couch tipped up on one end to help you out, didn't seem to make a difference. I'm not sure what you really did but the carpet is dark on one side light on the other, and the stains are still there. when I called you up to talk to you in a polite and civil way about my observances and what could be done all you did was put me down on a personal level and threaten to pour used carpet cleaning water under my door. Not only did this shake me up but it doesn't seem very professional of you. Next time somebody calls you for cleaning tell them you don't move furniture around at all, that they need to vacuum first and that stains are not guaranteed to come out. Maybe then they won't be as unhappy as I am. Remember your job isn't just cleaning carpet but dealing with people too. —L.K.

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