Clean cut, entitled baseball fuck | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Clean cut, entitled baseball fuck

Posted on Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 9:59 AM

Walking through the North Common the other day, on the path toward Tony's Pizza, the sun was going down (very much in our eyes), I was with a friend, and pushing my bike. Some entitled twat playing baseball grunts at my friend and I to "Get off the field." Not a "Hey, look out, there's balls flying and you're in the vicinity of the game," just implicitly "You're interrupting my game for 10 seconds, stupid hippies."

Firstly, asshole, we were not on the field, we were past the parameter of the diamond, on the walking path, and there was a game on the other side of us too---not much choice in where to go. Second, as my friend pointed out, there is a nice way to say everything and you were a dick. Finally, I wanted to wish that you would get a baseball to the face but I am not a violent person, and I believe that living out the rest of your existence as the idiot you are will be punishment enough. It's called the "Common" for a reason. Get over yourself. —Commoner

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