No common sense | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

No common sense

Posted on Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 4:43 PM

Where oh where has common sense gone, oh where oh where could it be? It's a thing of the past or it seems to be, oh where oh where could it be? Our grandparents (if your grandparents are 80 and over) seemed to have an abundant supply. Nowadays seems like it is practically extinct. Take for example people who absolutely must take their poor dogs out to walk around town on days when temperatures are high---it's too hot for your dog and you are burning the soft pads under its paws. The poor animal cannot tell you "Hey you fucking moron the pads of my paws are fucking burning." You walk around town on black top, concrete or even boardwalks when it's sunny and 30 degrees with no shoes on and see how many SECONDS you can stand it. Come on people. How about teaching your children some basics, like if it's not yours don't take it, or if you turn it on, turn it off, or if you make a mess, clean it up. How about teaching the future to say excuse me, pardon me or thank you? Too much to ask? Come on, people. How about waiting until you can take care of yourself before you start popping out baby after baby and your own navel isn't even dry yet. Come on, people. How about finding out what the bottom is like in an unfamiliar lake, river, etc, before diving in head first? Come on, people. The list goes on and on. We could get chronic neck pain from shaking our heads at the stupidity that seems to be the norm. We are in for a bumpy ride I'm afraid. No more using grey matter. Come on, people. —Common Sense People, It Works!

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