Dog park rules | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dog park rules

Posted on Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 9:44 AM

I love taking my dog to off-leash dog parks. It’s great for him to be able to socialize, and there’s no better way to tire him out. Anyone who frequents off-leash areas knows there are certain rules to follow---pick up after your dog, don’t let your dog dig or rip up the grass, your dog's toys will be stolen by other dogs, etc.

I often bring a ball and “Chuck-It” stick to the park, so that my dog can get a really good run. I have no problem whatsoever with other dogs chasing the ball too. What I do have a problem with is dogs who take the ball, then won’t give it back. The other day I spent 15 minutes waiting for another owner to try and get my ball back from her dog. She had absolutely no control, and all the dog did was run away from her. If your dog doesn’t know certain basic commands like “sit," “come," "stay" and-–-just as important---“drop it” or “leave it” or “give," perhaps you’re not ready for the off-leash park. —Friend of Fido

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