Don't be polite | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Don't be polite

Posted on Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 11:18 AM

While you may think that you're being courteous, kind, "paying it forward," or making a difference in the world, it is fucking dangerous to ignore the rules of the road! If someone wants to turn left onto a busy street at rush hour let them wait for fuck's sake. Right of way, right of way, right of fucking way! OK, so you're from the Maritimes, it's alright that the service everywhere is slow and not much is open on a Sunday, but there is an order to things on the street and other drivers need to be able to count on you driving in a predictable fashion. This also means using your turn signals! Don't go out of your way to be an asshole, but a few more assholes on the streets of Halifax would be a great thing. Learn how to drive, know who has right of way and follow it every fucking time! Follow this simple advice and rush hour will run like a Swiss clock. On your feet? Look both ways and use a crosswalk. Those Crocs you're wearing don't give you the right of way wherever you please. To all Scotians reading: be an asshole. —Asshole in the Driver's Seat

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