Be a man | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Be a man

Posted on Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 11:30 AM

What the fuck is wrong with me? No, with YOU! I am so upset right now. I feel like you didn't steal anything else but my pride. You drive three hours to see me, you told me you were falling in love with me, and made me fall for you. We agree not to see other people and now all those things appear at your place, not mine... and no word I said. Now you take me for granted and tell me you are too old for me and it's not right to have a relationship with me. Seriously?! Do you know what is right and what's not? It's right to have sex with a woman 20 years younger, but not right to date her? I call it being a coward. It wasn't easy to make such a decision, but I'm going to be a woman and do the right thing! No more booty calls, no more...nothing. I'm DONE with you. Also, love knows no age? Who invented this bullshit? Men are men, no matter their age, ethnicity, religion, whatever, they'll always be and remain. Us ladies should never lose our pride for a man. It should be the greatest thing, we should not allow them to take it away! —Honey

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