Asshole screaming at his dog | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, June 4, 2012

Asshole screaming at his dog

Posted on Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 12:19 PM

I was just getting ready for sleep, when through my open bedroom window, I hear profanities being hatefully screamed outside. I look outside to see a guy walking a German Shepherd. He was screaming, "Get the fuck over here! You fuckin' know better! Get out of the fuckin' street!" This was a DOG he was screaming at, not on its leash. So I guess he's trying to control it by yelling extreme profanity at it. If you read this, moron, dog's don't understand the F-word. But they do sense your anger and hate. What the fuck is your problem? If I hear you again, I'll do more than yell "asshole" out my window. I'm coming down to let you know what a shrivelled-ball little dickless idiot you are. You need a good shot of act-right, IMO. —Hates Animal Abusers

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