Questions need answers | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Questions need answers

Posted on Mon, May 14, 2012 at 11:19 AM

So we started dating. Things were going great. Until... I asked a direct question, and you just changed the subject. Even a mundane thing I ask, you just laugh off, or sideline it. I'm allergic to cats, and you brought your big fat cat over to my house. I asked you why you would do that. Again, you could not, would not, answer a direct question. I really like you, gal, but I don't like how you won't give me a direct answer to a direct question. Am I crazy? You got all pissed off and tell me I am being too critical and picky. I don't know what to do. Sex is great. We have fun times. Well, I think we do cuz if I asked, I doubt I would get a direct answer. Do you think I'm an undercover spy or something like that? I thought communication was important. That cat thing was pretty insensitive. Maybe I should chuck it out the window and then maybe you would ask why I did that. And maybe I would use your weird-ass sense of humour to just change the subject. (No, I wouldn't really do that). But still... I hope you read this and ask yourself a direct question then don't answer it! It's really pissing me off. I feel crazy. —Going Round in Circles

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