Fishing lobster | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fishing lobster

Posted on Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 10:21 AM

I am new to this game. I was offered a job to go fishing lobsters as a helper. You said you can only pay $60 a day... before deductions. Are you serious? That's not even minimum wage! A person is out there for 7 hours or so and depending on weather perhaps longer... or not go out at all if the weather is too bad and a worker gets paid nothing. Now... I don't think there are many more honorable ways to make a living than fishing or farming and I know it is hard, and dangerous work. I know prices are not what they used to be. I know fuel costs are up, bait, traps, insurance etc... But seriously... how can you as an owner offer a person a job doing this kind of work at $60 a day? I am new to this business and have no idea what a helper get's paid on a boat... but I am sure it must be more than $60 a day. Has the industry deteriorated so badly that a person can't make minimum wage fishing lobster as a helper? Why would you bother going fishing for lobster at all? Am I getting "chumped" here or is this the wage a helper gets usually? Can somebody answer these questions? What is the truth about this business? —What is the Rate Anyways?

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