Ride hitcher's etiquette | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Ride hitcher's etiquette

Posted on Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 3:38 PM

Thank you only cuts it for the occasional lift.

For ongoing transportational kindnesses, don't just sit there sponging off of somebody. Don't offer gas or parking money. Insist that it's taken or leave it as you depart. At the very least, hand over a decent bottle of wine each week. A $13 or $14 bottle compared to money you're saving is a drop in the bucket.

Don't ask somebody to go out of their way for you because you don't want to inconvenience your spouse. Don't ask someone to go out of their way for you because you're lazy. Walk if it's feasible. You probably need the exercise anyway.

One shouldn't have to spell these things out. —Miss Manners


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