Can't make any sense of it anymore | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Can't make any sense of it anymore

Posted on Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 4:29 PM

Music's great, and this city has plenty of great music. So why must I feel like so many awesome bands are getting the shaft when I go to certain shows and see a band who has been playing every show left and right, and are clearly not a very good band, talent-wise and sound-wise? They're trying hard, really, and kudos for that, but for God's sake, is everyone just trying to humour them? I get supporting your friends bands, but the rest of us poor saps have to watch them play and wonder, what is going on here? Where's the good bands? All standing in the crowd or sitting at home wishing they were out playing, that's where. —Gimme a Break!

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