Generation Y entitlement | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Generation Y entitlement

Posted on Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 2:59 PM

For the past month I have been seeking students for upcoming spring work terms in a couple of different departments of my company. Just in the past week, after interviews I'd offered work terms to three students (and nine altogether for the month) who turned them down because they were unpaid! I'd politely explained to them that there was not enough money in the company's budget to pay them, not even $10-11/hour. You are being offered experience in your field! What is with 20-somethings these days expecting to be paid for working a 5-week work term? You don't even know what you're doing yet--it's risky enough to the company to have you on with us for free (given mistakes you could make and what not), let alone you. I'm sorry, I wish we could pay but we can't. You have bills to pay? You paid for tuition? Well, that's life--you can't expect to have everything handed over to you. I sure as hell didn't. In fact, I WORKED FOR FREE back in my day for 3 months to gain experience and obtain employment in my field. It's unbelievable that young people these days can't appreciate what I'm offering them (the experience to help them get work in their field)! You kids really need to lose the entitlement and learn to work as hard as us "old people" have. Good day. —Baby Boomer Who Worked Her Way Up

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