A different kind of bus bitch | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A different kind of bus bitch

Posted on Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 3:01 PM

Yeah we all know the Transit Union are a pack of dirty bastards and there is no use in rehashing it over and over but when I encounter a person with the resources to help and with PROMISES of help and then backs out at the last fucking minute? Over and over and over?? That's just too much.

So dude, for two days you've kept telling me not to worry, not to worry... you'll pick me up from work. You'll drop me off at work. You'll get me where I need to go. Especially since I currently have a wicked-bad case of strep throat. Which I thought was a really nice offer. But then at the last goddamned second "you're too tired" or you've decided to sleep in or you "just don't feel like it right now."

Excuse fucking me? YOU OFFERED. I made my day's plans around your offer. If you can't do it, I TOTALLY understand but do you know how inconvenient it is to get offer after offer only to have you puss out at the last second? Yesterday I almost didn't get home from work because you had promised to pick me up, then didn't show, didn't answer your phone and didn't answer your email.

The worst thing about this is that you're one of those self-righteous people who is constantly telling the rest of the world all about their moral and conscientious failings. You never miss an opportunity to talk about what a good person you are and how you are just so disappointed in how far above society your moral bar rests. When the reality is you're fickle, lazy, phony, self-righteous and not half the nice person you think you are.

The bottom line is this: Stop offering me rides dude. And stop INSISTING when I politely decline and then having the gall to get OFFENDED when I continue to decline. Don't get pissy with me because I'm starting to respond to your relative level of reliability. Which is pretty much zero. —Sick of Bullshitters


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