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Monday, February 13, 2012

Since when?

Posted on Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 11:07 AM

Okay so a lot of talk about strikes and how bad economy is, on top of it how bad Harper is at his job (and just being a decent human being).

Where in the fuckin police hand book does it say you protect and serve only political figures?! Harper calls in a police force to remove Occupy and the cops jump all over it, straight abuse of power, is this really how we allow our government and people sworn in to protect the PEOPLE conduct themselves? Read the side of your car "protect and serve the people" not a small portion of the population that considers themselves higher up.

To all the officers out in NS (Even the ones that are good) next time you're thinking about carrying a kid off for petty crimes to reach that quota, imagine you're the parent of that person you're sworn to protect, would you want your kids treated that way? Even better put yourself in the shoes of that person would you want to be treated like that? If the answer's no, don't fucking do it.

Remember your wages are payed by the people you work for; the people and you are to follow the laws the same as any other person, I just hope every cop who chooses to abuse the power their given get what they deserve.

Another little thing to remember for protests, if you break up a peaceful protest the only other protest is a violent one. Just remember who you serve, people, not only political figures. Assholes. —Check What Your Job Guide Lines Are

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