The 98% | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The 98%

Posted on Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 11:03 AM

Statistically speaking, 98% of a population is basically ALL. So basically all but a few voted in favour of a bus strike that kept many elderly, physically challenged and poor people from getting to necessary doctor appointments and food banks. Keeping the Access-a-Buses running at least would have shown some class and not even affected ATU's bargaining position, but instead, helped those who were dealt a hand much worse than the $50k/year you suffer.

So, with that kind of statistic, it will be hard for me to encounter any bus driver without assuming to myself, "Yup, likely one of the 98%... I know what this person voted for." —Not Part of the 98%


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