Club soda, not seals | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Club soda, not seals

Posted on Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 11:47 AM

I am embarrassed to associate myself with the human race, particularly Ryan Cleary, Stephen Harper and the rest of you NDP federal fucks who support the seal hunt and are not taking any action on ending it. What the FUCK has this world turned in to? Is this really what Canada has come to? I will lose it on the next 17 year old boy who I hear making a crack about the seal hunt. And you wonder why there are so many "troubled teens" these days. Would you like to get your head bashed in with a metal rod? Wake the fuck up. It is this stupid country that is provoking the evil acts of humans. I am beyond outraged that people support the violent and bloody seal-fur industry. It is so barbaric and inhumane, to say the least. I am at a loss of words. This is a cause that is so close to my heart and I have been trying to do everything I can to help end it, but some days I am so discouraged. —This Has to End

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